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Chives, Common

Allium schoenoprasum

Garden Care

Chives are one of the first culinary herbs to emerge from the frozen ground.  They are perennials and like full sun, lower moisture and sandy soil with decent organic matter.   They are survivors and once you get them established, they have a solid root base.  When the center dies back, it is time to dig them up and transplant.  If you don’t have the room for them, give them away.  I personally love the way they look in the garden with their bright green foliage and purple bulb flowers. 

Harvest & Parts Used

I harvest the green foliage that does not have a flowering stock.  The flowering stock is solid and not as flimsy and free-flowing.  Also once the flower has gone to seed harvest them as well.  They add a nice onion flavor to lots of dishes, as well as sprinkles on homemade bread and rolls.  

Drying & Storage

If you want to dry the greenery, thinly slice it up first and then lay it on a screened bottom tray, place it in a dark location, out of the sun, with a temperature around 90-100.  Green chives lose their flavor quickly and don’t add a lot to a dish dried.  I don’t usually dry chives because I prefer them fresh. 

Medicine Making

Adding chopped chives to food is the best way to consume it as medicine.  I especially like to use fresh chives in homemade Italian dressing, using flavorful vinegar that I have infused with other medicinal herbs.  I really like to use Fire Cider as a base for vinegar and olive oil dressings, you get a strong spicy dressing.  Also, you will find a recipe linked below for a Chicken & Sausage Jambalaya recipe, it will make your tastebuds sing.

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